Sunday, November 1, 2015

Billy Ray Cyrus- Some Gave All Album Review

"He never really liked me anyway"

Hello, my dear readers, I have been having some difficulties sleeping at night. The same recent events in my life and illness have prevented me from updating this blog as much as I would like to, have been preventing me from catching up on my beauty sleep. However, on this day, I have found the cure to my insomnia. That cure is Billy Ray Cyrus's debut album, Some Gave All

This album maybe the most lifeless, uninteresting, soft milquetoast pieces of overproduced music I have had the displeasure to listen to. Hell, I have listened to his daughters collaboration with the Flaming Lips, and trust me when I say that I will be reviewing at that one in the near  future. This album is frankly, not that horrible when measured against acts I have covered on this blog such as Lil Wayne and Attack Attack, but the shear blandness this album makes up for those acts atrocities against mankind.

"Could've Been Me", kicks off this Country bumpkin fun fest is… a Heartland Rock song?

This song showcases the absolute worst of Springsteen-isms.  The "HURGH- URGH- URGH" grunting and accent is laughable and the backing music tries oh-so hard to be "Thunder Road". This song sounds falls right on its face. Seriously, this makes Human Touch sound like Nebraska.

I should also mention that


I'm not expecting Avant Garde composition from the Achey Breaky Heart guy, but there could have at least have been an attempt to create some sort of endearing and creative lyrics to make this listening experience somewhat worthwhile. But nope they're all the typical love song tropes repeated ad-nauseam, except for two: "Some Gave All" and "Achey Breaky Heart". The title track is a slightly right-wing leaning song that demands the listener to respect our veterans you damn dirty hippie. "Achey Breaky" replaces the tried but true tropes which plain stupidity.

The only other songs from this album follow this odd Heartland Rock vibe is "Never Thought I Would Fall in Love With You" and "Some Gave All", which the former veiled brag song about Billy Ray falling in love with one out of the hundreds of groupies he has. "I'm so Miserable" is lame blues shuffle, in which all of the frankness, angst, rawness, and well, blues, that makes Blues so great is dragged into the back and shot by Billy Ray's horrid backing band and production team and replaced by lame insipid drivel.

"Achey Breaky Heart" is also on here. We all know it sucks, it's corny, it's overplayed, it's just as bad as you remember and deserves all scrutiny it receives. I should probably mention I had to listen to my neighbors blast a Spanish version of "Achey Breakey Heart" the night of a major break up I had. Thus I have a massive negative emotional connotations with this song, so let's move on quickly.

The country ballads "She's Not Crying", "Someday", "Ain't No Goodbye" are so-so *yawn* boring, I seriously cannot stand to listen to them, otherwise the rest of this review will be the letter "q" going on for infinity.

"Where'm I Gonna Live" is if you made Johnny Cash "Bean's for Breakfast" suck.

I'm sorry if this review has effort put into it than usual, but this album sucked the life and energy out of me. I had to get this one out, so I can move on to other albums before this one becomes a plain burden.

Final Grade:


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